Praise the Lord,
We welcome you to our Hindi Gospel Website. This website intents to provide you the free Gospel materials and tools available in Hindi language inorder to equip all Churches

and Missions involved in Church Planting Movement among the Hindi speaking states of North India. Being a language of dignity, Hindi enjoys the privelege as our national language for this vast nation. It is perhaps the most videly spoken language among a vast majority of hindi speaking belts spread throughout North India consisting of several daughter languages like Khari Boli, Bhojpuri, Awadhi, Braj Bhasha etc. Even after receiving such vast credibility and linguistic acceptability still this belt having an appr. population of has not yet been reached by any means of Gospel thus leading to thousands of perishing souls daily. To view the Hindi speaking belts of North India, please click here
To know abot the Language, its daughter language, # of People Group (alongwith their population) speaking this language and also various Gospel tools available at present in this language can be seen by clicking here